Sunday, December 29, 2013

Eli's First Christmas

Eli has always been a baby who likes to sleep in - he's a night owl like his Dad! But while in Brisbane the glaring bright sunshine at 5am turned him into an early bird. The only day he slept in was actually Christmas Day! So I got to lie in bed for over an hour reading Game of Thrones while he and Shane slept next to me. He stirred a few times, then suddenly at 7:50am he rolled over and flashed this enormous grin at me. He then crawled over to me and curled his head up on my tummy for a quick cuddle. We went downstairs. I wanted to get some photos so we did that. 

He found present opening on the whole quite overwhelming I think, but he did have a lovely day.  A huge nap on the floor! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ok I have to confess. When Eli goes down for a nap I have this terrible habit of spending the entire nap looking at his baby photos on the computer - of which there are thousands - and adoring him. (Shane has a tendency to say "You do know that's him just over there, right??"). So that's really why Shane Edwards has to cook dinner, not because Eli is a lil action man or I had too many work emails/calls/dramas to sort out. Just because I'm a photo addict who spends hours reliving happy memories! Now I've outed myself I'll stop and